Daravi experiences
Daravi experiences 〰️
Our factory is open to everyone who wants to learn about our business model through these three formats.
We open our space free of charge for all interested individuals in our community to learn about our business model in three different formats.
We invite everyone through social media to sign up and visit our factory.
Designed for discussing topics of interest with relevant actors in the production ecosystem.
Our year-end closing party is where we share what we've done and how we envision our next challenges.
Workshop Experience
We conduct activities designed to engage participants in action through creative tasks. Those involved receive a brief talk about Daravi and then experience designing and creating with their own hands. They are guided by our network of women in these 2 formats:
We set up tables with over 400 pieces so that guests can take home the necklace they designed.
You can choose the pot and the plant to prepare your selection of succulents.
Please contact us for pricing information.
Triple Impact Model Experience
We welcome groups of 15 to 40 people from companies, schools, universities, organizations, and governments to share our impact business model with them.
Two hours
Coffee reception.
Training on our business model in Spanish or English with time for questions.
Tour of the factory.
Visit to our purpose-driven product showroom.
Please contact us for pricing information.